
Your Journey

You are known for being accomplished and maybe even “beating the odds.” People come to you for support because you are reliable and a problem solver.  You are ambitious and appear to have it all together. You repeat the cycle: put a smile on your face, continue to work hard and may play even harder, but it’s not enough. On the outside, it appears that you have it all together, but on the inside you may struggle with:

  • Not knowing who you are outside of your titles, accomplishments, and possessions

  • Losing yourself in the hustle and bustle of life but feel “bad” when you rest

  • Doubting yourself and constantly seeking the approval of others

  • Insecurities and comparing and secretly competing with others

  • Vulnerability and allowing yourself authentic connections out of fear of being rejected or neglected

  • People pleasing and over functioning in people’s lives

These issues may manifest itself in different areas of your life: 

  • Your relationships- You may people please and overstay in relationships OR ineffectively communicate needs and cut people off too quickly

  • Yourself- You self criticize, feel unworthy,  have a hard time resting, and question your purpose in life

  • School/Work- Overwork to compensate for feelings of inadequacy and measure your value by productivity

You realize that you may have been running from yourself all this time while hiding behind your success. You’ve likely been trying a bunch of things with great effort and feel that therapy is the thing you need. Therapy is not always easy, but it is a valuable tool for deep growth, self-discovery, and the journey to well-being.

Together, we might…

  • Challenge and reframe negative thoughts

  • Heal wounded attachments

  • Recognize body sensations

  • Engage in emotion regulation

  • Alleviate tension

  •  Improve communication

and better understand how the subconscious manifests itself in your personality and perspectives.

"The function of freedom is to free someone else, and if you are no longer wracked or in bondage to a person or a way of life, tell your story. Risk freeing someone else.”

- Toni Morrison

Hey, I’m Keasha! (she/her)

I’m a Bay Area Native, proudly born and bred in the beautiful city of Richmond, CA. I have worked in social services, education, and mental health since 2012 serving mostly Black, POC, LGBTQ+, Unhoused, and other marginalized communities. I received my Master’s in Social Work with an emphasis in Community Mental Health and my B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Human Development from Cal State East Bay. 

The foundation of my practice is deeply rooted in… 

  • Social justice

  • Introspection 

  • Community 

  • Spirituality 

I consider how our early childhood experiences, societal status, and intersectional identities influence our experiences. All are welcome, but I have a particular affinity towards Black Women, Fat Folx, LGBTQ+-, Single Parents, and Men of Color. 

For these individuals, the necessity to be high and over achievers is often a survival strategy and not just a means of thriving; but affirming their intrinsic worthiness in the face of societal obstacles. Excelling is not just a personal goal but a collective effort to overcome systemic inequalities. Unfortunately, we do not go through this journey unscathed and I’ve seen how chronic, high functioning stress and anxiety can impact our minds, bodies, spirits, and relationships.  

I understand how impactful having a therapist who shares similar life experiences and identities can be on your journey. This connection makes it easier to open up, feel understood, and work through challenges together. Recognizing these challenges, my commitment is to provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to fully embrace all parts of you while making room for the person you intend to be.

My Approach

Therapy with me is personable with humor, reflection, affirmation, and accountability as my therapeutic framework. Though I incorporate a variety of evidenced based practices, as an eclectic practitioner, I encourage you to engage in practices and expressions that support your healing be it religion, the arts, spirituality, exercise, etc. 

I incorporate aspects from a variety of modalities into my practice. The modalities I use most in sessions include: 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - goal oriented approach that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors to improve emotional well-being.

  • Solution Focused Therapy - brief and collaborative approach that explores and amplifies strengths and resources to facilitate positive change, emphasizing practical solutions.

  • Internal Family Systems - views the mind as a system of different sub-personalities or "parts," aiming to help individuals understand and harmonize these internal aspects to promote healing and self-discovery.

  • Somatic Therapy - recognizes the mind-body connection, focusing on the bodily sensations and experiences to address and release emotional trauma, stress, and tension.

  • Narrative Therapy - non-blaming approach that views individuals as the authors of their own stories, helping them reframe and reconstruct their narratives to empower positive change and promote a more preferred way of living.

  • Relational Therapy - emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships in shaping an individual's well-being, aiming to enhance communication, understanding, and connection between individuals to promote positive change and emotional growth.